Serum Ex Machina카테고리 없음 2020. 10. 6. 08:58
Apr 15, 2015 Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit. Diabolus Ex Machina (Demon from the machine): the Evil Counterpart of Deus Ex Machina, it's a(n often contrived) twist designed to ensure, if not a Downer Ending, then certainly an extension in the villain's favor.
Did you program her to flirt with me?Nathan:
If I did, would that be cheating?Caleb:
Wouldn't it?Serum Ex Machina Full
Caleb, what's your type?Caleb:
Of girl?Nathan:
No, salad dressing. Yeah, of girl; what's your type of girl? You know what, don't even answer that. Let's say its black chicks. Okay, that's your thing. For the sake of argument, that's your thing, okay? Why is that your thing? Because you did a detailed analysis of all racial types and you cross-referenced that analysis with a points-based system? No! You're just attracted to black chicks. A consequence of accumulated external stimuli that you probably didn't even register as they registered with you.Caleb:
Did you program her to like me, or not?Nathan:
I programmed her to be heterosexual, just like you were programmed to be heterosexual.Caleb:
Nobody programmed me to be straight.Nathan:
You decided to be straight? Please! Of course you were programmed, by nature or nurture or both and to be honest, Caleb, you're starting to annoy me now because this is your insecurity talking, this is not your intellect.Earlier this week, a tweet posted by Exhibitor Relations revealed that a new untitled Sony/Marvel film is poised to be unleashed in theaters on October 8, 2021. Naturally, the knee-jerk reaction was to speculate wildly with regard to what this mystery movie could be, be it a Madame Web spin-off, a film focusing on Kraven the Hunter, or plans to finally capitalize on Sony's building of the Sinister Six. Needless to say, there are plenty of characters within the Spider-Verse that could receive their own film, and now speculation of a Spider-Woman solo outing are spinning out of the old Rumor Mill.
To be perfectly clear, neither Sony nor Marvel have officially confirmed that development on a Spider-Woman movie is underway, so please take the following 'news' with a substantial grain of salt.
According to The Illuminerdi, Sony is reportedly eyeing Michelle MacLaren -- who in the past has helmed episodes of THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, BREAKING BAD, and more -- to direct a Spider-Woman film. What's more is that the site also states that TOMB RAIDER and EX MACHINA alumna Alicia Vikander is being considered for the title role of Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman.
Serum Ex Machina Review
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Teamviewer pc or mac. Weaving her way into the Marvel Universe in 1977 courtesy of Marvel Spotlight #32, Jessica Drew was created by Archie Goodwin, Sal Buscema, Jim Mooney and Marie Severin. As the story goes, Jessica's own father injected her with a serum made from rare spider blood. Afterward, she was placed inside a genetic accelerator that altered her DNA. Upon exiting the apparatus, Jessica discovered that she too had powers not unlike another friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, as well as the ability to shoot venom blasts from her fingertips. If this power set is sounding a bit too Miles Morales for you, I'll also add that Jessica is armed with a pheromone secretion that she can use to entice her prey.
For the moment, no details about the Sony/Marvel film slated for an October 8, 2021 release are available at this time.
Would you be down for a Spider-Woman film? Do you think Sony/Marvel's mystery release is centered around another character entirely? Let us know your thoughts and predictions in the comments section below.